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Dental Anxiety? We Understand And We Can Help

DID YOU KNOW THAT THE MAJORITY OF US experience SOME level of dental anxiety? As much as 80%, in fact. Despite our best efforts we know that there’s something that feels inherently vulnerable about lying back in a chair while we examine your mouth. We’ve been patients too.

Communication Can Make You More Comfortable

We want you to feel confident during your visits with us. We believe that one key is open communication between our team and you—our valued patient! Whether you’re extremely nervous during dental appointments, or just slightly uncomfortable, communication helps. However, it’s hard to know exactly how, or what, to communicate sometimes.

If you’d really like to explore the reasons you feel nervous about dental visits, here’s a handy questionnaire developed by J.H. Clarke and S. Rustvold at the Oregon Health Sciences University School of Dentistry. If you’d like, look over the first four questions and let us know where you fall on the scale. It’s a simple way to tell us how you’re feeling.

We Offer Nitrous Oxide For Anxious Patients

For patients who wish to remain awake during their procedure, but want a soothing, relaxed dental experience, nitrous oxide may be the answer. Commonly known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide induces a warm, slightly light-headed feeling and an overall sense of relaxation.

Your level of sedation is monitored during your treatment and the gas wears off within a few minutes after the procedure. Patients are generally able to safely drive home after their appointment.

Is Your Appointment Coming Up?

Check out the video below outlining a routine check-up. It could help get you in the right mindset:

Simple Understanding Can Make A Huge Difference

Once we understand a little bit about your triggers and your reaction to dental-related situations, we can do a lot to make you feel comfortable. Some techniques we use include:

  • Taking adequate time so you don’t feel rushed or harried.
  • Carefully explaining everything before we do it.
  • Establishing signals so that you can let us know if you need a break.

Dr. Sadineni sedation dentist Dublin Ohio and her staff have years of experience administering nitrous oxide, and patients insist it eliminates stress or discomfort.

Do you know someone else who suffers from severe dental anxiety? Is it compromising their health? Have them give us a call. We can help.

Thanks for your trust in our practice!


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